🗺 Remo


Remo is an interactive virtual event platform that empowers you to recreate natural interactions in any type of gathering; from global events to remote work meetings.


Principal Designer

Lead Product Designer

Senior Product Designer


2020 - Today

How it all started

I started as the first-design hire in a team of 20 engineers and sometimes no product manager; I owned the end-to-end design process from ideating and prototyping to launching and iterating. As a result, I learned the value of engineering resources and how sometimes, no design is the best design.

In the beginning, Remo had a scrappy hacked-up interface; I was stuck between building for the minimum and iterating for speed to finding time and resources to re-design the whole experience.

How do you design in the public?

I relied heavily on feedback from company members and customers. In addition, I took every chance to present upcoming features and ideas through town halls and leadership meet&greet events.

Event Directory

Remo Onboarding

Shuffle Guests

Assign Tables

Part of the features I designed @ Remo

How do you re-brand when you're still busy launching new features?

We hired an agency to help us re-brand and define how Remo will look and feel. That served as a strong base for me to start the process of the interface re-brand and update. I spent countless hours with engineers to help them create a simple component library that would update seamlessly throughout the app.

Remo didn't work on Tablets or Mobile devices, so I had to lead the mobile re-design, teaming up with engineers to create a new responsive experience.

I'm happy to share more of my work in person - Contact me